Thursday, May 29, 2014

Caterpillaers - Oscar and Banjo

Hello there! Happy Thursday! I haven't been on here in forever. But, here I am.

So, lately, I've been riding my new scooter around our neighborhood and listening to my ipod. (one ear of course, wouldn't want to get hit with a car...) and just watching nature.

Well, I've discovered that caterpillars are dumb, and decide they want to cross the road, and to them, the road is pretty freaking wide. So, I have committed my life to rescuing them! YAY!

Today, I have rescued Oscar, an Eastern tail caterpillar, and Banjo, which I still haven't idtenitifed quite yet.

Here's Banjo:

And here's Oscar:

And oh, here's a cool picture of what a kind of caterpillar do. Super cool.
