Sorry for the bareness of this blog...couldn't think of anything to post. I don't want to review sequels on here, unless I've reviewed the books before it, and all I've been reading is sequels so...ANYWAY. I am making this blog post to talk about the one thing that I am currently obsessed with:
The Rescuers is about two mice and a little girl. The two mice are Bernard:
And Miss. Bianca:
The little girl is Penny:
Penny has been kidnapped by a lady named Medusa, and her lacky Mr. Snoops. Observe:
They kidnapped her because she's the only one that can fit down the Black Hole, to find that diamond that Medusa is holding above. Penny, being only in the first grade, is very good at secretly sneaking out, and/or sending messages in bottles. One of the bottles, the Rescue Aid Society finds, and that's when Bernard and Miss. Bianca go to rescue her.
Here's the Rescue Aid Society anthem:
It's a great story, and I started watching it on Monday, I had a cold, and then I ended up watching the sequel, and then I watched them both again on Tuesday, just cause, and then again on Wednesday, and then on Thursday...but I love them, and I especially love the music in the first one. They're only an hour and seventeen minutes each, so they're very easy to finish in a day. I love the little mouse things, how they have the same things as we do, but small.
So, there. My current obsession, this movie is so old. It came out the same year as Star Wars: A New Hope. (1977)
I hope everyone had a great week! I'm going to a track meet tonight. :)
In this third book in the Lunar Chronicles, Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives on the run, now with Scarlet and Wolf in tow. Together, they’re plotting to overthrow Queen Levana and her army.
Their best hope lies with Cress, a girl imprisoned on a satellite since childhood who's only ever had her netscreens as company. All that screen time has made Cress an excellent hacker. Unfortunately, she’s just received orders from Levana to track down Cinder and her handsome accomplice.
When a daring rescue of Cress goes awry, the group is separated. Cress finally has her freedom, but it comes at a high price. Meanwhile, Queen Levana will let nothing prevent her marriage to Emperor Kai. Cress, Scarlet, and Cinder may not have signed up to save the world, but they may be the only hope the world has. Genre: YA, fairy tail retelling, dystopian. Cover Love: Love that hair!
This book was amazing. I love this series, and the last book comes out next year and I think I will cry when it does come out. This world is amazing, and I love all the characters! In this book, a lot of the characters get separated from each other, so we get lots of different POV's in different places. We get to see more of Captain Thorne, and Kai, and of course....Cress. Cress is nervous and not very socialized, but she's adorable. She's basically Rapunzel, and Marissa does the best jobs of retellings! Since I know Rapunzel's story really well. (Not the Tangled version, mind you.) This book was great! READ THIS SERIES.
Kai and Cinder are separated at this time, so nothing from them. Same for Scarlet and Wolf. The only romance is between Cress and Thorne, which is non existent through most of the book. And when it does come, it's perfectly fine. These books are just so sweet. *Giggles*
Nope, nothing. Ziltch. Nada.
This is basically worlds at war, so there's some shooting. and some knives, and some blood. But not over the top kind of violence.
Not really. I loved this book, and it kept me turning the pages and wanting to read more, and risk being exhausted the next day. I haven't read such a good series in a very long time, and I was excited to have found it. Please read this series, it's amazing. Rating: 5 out of 5 stars! -Maddi
Ok, ok. I know I've done a lot of RP posts. But this one is different, I promise.
So, I decided, since things were going a little slow in the group I am in now, I decided to make my own.
Yep, you read that right. I made my own group! And I want you to join. :)
It's both Marvel and DC, and the rules are simple. Basically: Have fun and no weird play. You catch my drift? I'm also going to let people have OC's! Original Characters. Which are always fun.
You can find the rest of the rules, and how to apply here.
Also, it'll be super fun. And you know me already, and since I run the group, you won't have to worry about weird people being in charge. :)
(You will need a Tumblr and Skype account to play. But Tumblr is super easy to sign up for, and so is Skype. And you won't have to use our Tumblr for anything weird, just RPing. Same goes for Skype. :))
So...on Sunday, I made something. I decided to make a character from the video game I am replaying. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Which was my first Zelda game. So I made a couple gifs to help introduce what I made...
Wait, what is that over there? Link wondered.
Wait, what happens when I think this? He thought. "AHHHHHH."
DA DA DUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's supposed to look like this:
And video of it too:
I'm very proud of it, and I made in three days, and I made it all by myself. (As in my mom like didn't help at at all, I just asked her a question once. And no pattern.) And I made it from stuff all around the house, so I didn't buy anything. :) So there you go...this is what I've been doing with my days.
Happy Tuesday!! Yesterday, I made my first gif. As you know, gifs are moving pictures of a set point in time. Let me tell you, they look like they're easy...BUT THEY'RE NOT.
You know how to make those moving pictures on paper, and you flip them and they move? Gifs are like that, just a lot more complicated. You have to break apart a video into frames, or pictures, and then you have to put them together and make them the right size, or they won't move, and you have to make them fast enough, and you have to make sure the pictures if clear,and it can't be too long or it'll be too big. The list is endless. But I made one, and here it is:
While most seventeen-year-old American girls would refuse to let their parents marry them off to a stranger, Robyn Mason dreams of the mysterious McKale in Ireland, wondering how he’ll look and imagining his cute Irish accent. Prearranged bindings are common for magical families like her own, however when she travels to the whimsical Emerald Isle she discovers there’s more to her betrothal and McKale’s clan than she was led to believe. What starts as an obligatory pairing between Robyn and McKale morphs over time into something they both need. But one giant obstacle stands in the way of their budding romance: a seductive and deadly Fae princess accustomed to getting what she wants—and what she wants is McKale as her plaything. Love, desire, and jealousies collide as Robyn’s family and McKale’s clan must work together to outsmart the powerful Faeries and preserve the only hope left for their people. (YA Urban Fantasy, Romance, Magical Realism, Irish Folklore) Cover Love: So pretty and Irish!
Genre: Says above.
Going into this, I needed something happy to read, and this did not disappoint! It was a great and fun read! I loved Robyn, even though at times she irritated me just a tad with some of her thoughts. I loved Cassady, her sister. And McKale was a good character as well. I loved the family's devotion to each other and the Clan and all the other characters!
Robyn and McKale are going to get married, or 'bound' as the Clan says. And I love this idea, so many YA book these days don't support this sort of thing. Robyn and McKale share a lot of kisses and dancing before they're actually bound though, this was a little upsetting, but nothing other than that happened until their wedding night, which you don't read. It was a very sweet romance. And Cassady her sister gets involved with another person, and things happen, but you don't read about those either.
There's a little swearing, Cassady is very fond of it, I must say. But nothing over the top, and even though swearing is bad on all accounts, these words weren't as strong as others.
No violence! Yay! Just some conflict between Faeries and stuff, you know, the usual.
Just fantasy and folklore.
I loved this book! The other books by Wendy weren't sweet as this one, and I was glad to see she could write something as sweet as this. And she always self published this! I recommend it to anyone! A very sweet read. Makes you freak out and smile! Also a very short and fast read.